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Only Rose Vinegar Only Rose Vinegar

Only Rose Vinegar


Sourcing is the key here. I tried a lot of different roses and as the fermentation would progress it was evident that a lot were contaminated and had to be tossed out. So I gave up on rose vinegar. Then Sana from Diaspora Co. was on a sourcing trip to India and sent me a bag of rose petals she was thinking of using for her company and here we are…

FROM THE SOURCE aka the team at Diaspora Co.: "Your rose petals are organically grown by Parvathi Menon and her wonderful team on a 10 acre farm heaving with an abundance of bananas, limes, avocados and rain-fed turmeric in northern Tamil Nadu. The Damask Rose (or Paneer Rose in Tamil), that whilst prized for being incredibly fragrant, is also known to be extremely delicate and very high maintenance, especially when grown chemical-free. Since the rose petals need to be processed everyday when they are perfectly in bloom, Parvathi designed an ingenious solar powered dehydration system that is just gentle enough to help the petals retain their deep coloring and lock in their renowned fragrance."

This is my favorite with just soda water. It's the softest acid and so great for people who want to try drinking vinegar but need a softer option. The flavor and color all come from the flower; it's hard to describe and unforgettable. This vinegar is raw and alive so it will grow another mother if you leave it open.

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